The following are guidelines for administrators who represent 电子游戏软件 through social media. 它们是由大学传播办公室开发的, which oversees the University's official social media presence and chairs BC's 社交媒体 Council.

These guidelines provide tips for creating successful social media channels and for representing 电子游戏软件 in an appropriate, 真实的, 透明的, 安全的方式. 它们还包括对潜在陷阱的警告.

This 页面 is an ongoing project; guidelines will be revised or updated as new social media platforms emerge, 最佳实践不断发展, 或者出现新的问题.

If you are a BC social media manager and you have a suggestion or question, please email

社交媒体应该成为更广泛的沟通策略的一部分. 考虑以下问题, 最好是在你开通一个新频道之前, 但即使它已经建立.

  • 你希望达到什么目标?
  • 谁是你的听众??
  • 什么样的渠道能最有效地接触到他们?
  • 你有足够的资源和承诺来运营好这些渠道吗?
  • 其他相关部门是否已经在做类似的事情?
  • 你需要多渠道吗? 更少、更强的渠道会更好吗?




尽可能回复向你的渠道提出的询问和意见. 参与比发布信息更有效. 积极主动地吸引观众的方法包括:

  • 问问题
  • 评论你发布的信息
  • 征集照片或反馈(如适用)
  • 转发或评论其他帖子
  • Developing a personality; avoiding robotic posts




Don't guess or speculate about the answer to a University-related question or share information related to BC from unverified sources. 如果它是不准确的,你可能会开始或相信谣言.

  • 如果是问题, either determine and relay the correct answer or refer the questioner to the appropriate website or department.
  • If someone posts something inaccurate to your site, politely correct it or remove it (if necessary).
  • 校对帖子以避免拼写错误.



  • 不要发布与电子游戏软件相关的机密或专有信息, 其工作人员, 学生, 校友, 或大学社区的任何成员.
  • Do not allow fans or followers to reveal their private information during an exchange on an open channel. 必要时将其离线.
  • 不要过早发布任何校园新闻或信息. 如果你不确定,先检查一下.


请记住,所有由BC部门运营的频道上的帖子都反映了大学的情况. Ground rules for any site that hosts conversations should be clearly posted and followed. Even if a poster is being rude or annoying, the response on behalf of BC should be courteous. 避免通过转发或其他分享的方式为他人的煽动性帖子背书.

了解你周围的世界也很重要. Do not post during times that would make you appear to be out of touch with current events and happenings.

  • 例如, 不要在恐怖袭击后立即发布一张快乐的照片, 或者反过来说, 在今年最重要的比赛中,一个严肃或悲伤的帖子.
  • 如果你计划发帖,一定要知道你计划发帖的日期和时间. 如果需要,一定要删除或重新安排.




Regular evaluations of your efforts should be carried out to improve content and strategy, 以及更多地了解你的听众. 分析热门帖子的参与度, 积极的和消极的, 看看哪些是成功的,哪些没有达到预期, 并且愿意改变策略,提出新的想法. 社交媒体是一个不断尝试和犯错的过程. 它不是一个项目,而是一个持续的努力.



根据社交媒体指南, it is clear that social media accounts need a good deal of attention by today’s common usage. 你们部门必须有足够的资源和人力来完成这项工作.

Many University practitioners use 学生 and/or graduate 学生 to aid in the process. 虽然这可能是必要的,但要避免完全依赖学生群体.

  • A 电子游戏软件 faculty or staff member must have administrative privileges to all accounts and is ultimately responsible for the content.
  • A plan should be prepared for summer and winter breaks when 学生 are not available so the accounts do not go quiet for long periods of time.


在校园发生紧急情况时, we ask that all social media accounts affiliated with the University refrain from posting and direct followers to the official 电子游戏软件 accounts. Updates will also be posted on the 电子游戏软件 Police and BC 紧急 Management channels.

The following posts should be used on both Facebook and Twitter: “For updates on the current situation on campus, 遵循@BostonCollege. 谢谢你!.”


  • 删除所有预定的社交媒体帖子,直到危机结束.
  • Refrain from posting on social media channels after referring followers to @BostonCollege.
  • Retweet and share any posts regarding the crisis from the official 电子游戏软件 accounts and the BC Police and 紧急 Management accounts.
  • 不传播未经证实的事实和帖子.
  • 如果你不确定如何处理一种情况或职位,请向 社交媒体团队.
  • 如果你在社交媒体上看到可能对危机或调查有帮助的帖子, 联系电子游戏软件警察局:617-552-4444.

在危急情况下, 在公开大学注册的社交媒体经理将通过电子邮件和 社交媒体委员会 页面.  

如果你对电子游戏软件的社交媒体危机沟通计划有疑问, 请联系赞娜·奥洛夫,



@BostonCollege (推特)
/ BostonCollege (Facebook)
@BCPoliceDept (推特)
/BCPolice (Facebook)
@BC_OEM (推特)
/ BC紧急 (Facebook)